Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year Everyone!

See you in 2011. Here's a pic from my party in Chicago last year. This year, the party's in Los Angeles. Friends will be close by and that's a good thing when one year is ending and another is beginning. Here's to more consistent posting in 2011! xo Kath

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Mom was here - then she left, just before the rain. She saw seven shows in four days! It was pretty intense, but great. I took this pic on one of our sojourns. Hope you and yours have a Merry One.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Happy Holidays, yo!

Yes, this is what passes for yard decorating near my house. Gah, this time of year, I miss Chicago a lot. Not that I'm that into Christmas, but I like OBSERVING others' Christmases. I like looking at lights, eating festive fare, listening to music. I have a lot of shows this year, both choral and theatrical, and I prefer working through the holidays, but it's nice to see what other folks do. This made me laugh, though.

It's been really cold here - cold for LA - I have zero tolerance. Mom comes next week. Hope it warms up for her!