So, a brief history of my cakes - they generally suck. I could not figure out why this or this recipe did not turn out well. Everything looked fine, but the taste was heavy, dense, cardboardy. I kept experimenting with this, and this. Still, bupkus. The cakes were not good.
Then, my pal said, why are your cakes cold? I said, because I stick them in the fridge when I'm done frosting them. She looked at me. "Are you crazy? Leave OUT your baked good, that way they won't dry out and taste crappy!" She's from the South and knows about these things. "We used to leave baked goods out for a week!" Yikes.
For me, this was really tough. I come from a family where fridge-ing and freezing are done almost without thinking. But I decided to give it a try. I did have some help from this awesome chick because I was trying out a new recipe of hers and if you read in the comments section, you'll see how kind she was to talk me down. I also tried this cake recipe, (the chocolate version) because Deb is god. I really wanted to try these two together. BTW, I did the caramel version of the frosting.
Then, I left the damn frosted thing out for two days - covered of course - and you know what? It was amazing. AMAZING.
That said, the leftovers are right where they belong - in the fridge. See pic for deets.
Happy Baking! And thanks to all my pals who helped! You know who you are.