Oh, it's been so long since I've posted and there's no time to catch you up properly, but I will I promise. New York was fantastic. The shows after New York here in SoCal were also wonderful. Just a quick post to say, yes, it's hectic, but it WILL all get done. Take some time to chillax. Look, even Mary and Joseph and few sheep are taking a break by some sound equipment at my last gig. If they can take a breather, so can you. Keep me afloat for my flight to Chicago on Xmas Eve. They're expecting bad weather. Well, at least Dean will be with me. If they allowed folding chairs on the wings, he would sit in one. That guy loves to fly. More to come, I promise!
IT is about time you posted. Tee hee. THe weather is just going to be rain. No worries. Love the Nativity taking a break. I'll take a lesson from them. But why isn't Mary knitting???