Remember I told you my pal lives around the corner from the Dakota? I took some snaps to show you Strawberry Fields, too. The Dakota is where John Lennon lived when he was shot. The (in)famous gates are where he actually went down. My friend told me it was called another building for a long time. It was the only apartment building on the Upper West Side. In the old days, people referred to it as The Dakota because for them, it was as far away as one of the Dakotas. Such a gorgeous building - such a gorgeous neighborhood!
More Central Park pix for you too. My pal is a runner and knows every inch of the park. I even got two snaps of the famous topiary outside Tavern On The Green, which is now defunct as of Dec 31. Tomorrow, some theatre shots. And a recipe or two. I've done all my holiday baking...in January.
I never have time to do it in December and every February I go to Palm Springs to help Dean with his work designing our friend's booth at the Palm Springs Modernism Show. And, every year, I bake cookies for all of them to eat during the long set-up. This year, I wanted to make new cookies, so I researched and found a bunch of new recipes. I'll post them on here - mostly hits, a few misses.
Anyway, all for now. Tomorrow will come soon enough!
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