Monday, March 25, 2013

Oh Dear New Orleans!

Ever fall in love? You know that feeling...suddenly it hits you - blam! This is it! I love New Orleans that way.  Chicago will always be my true love, the one that I had 18 good years with and then for one reason or another, it was time to leave.  New Orleans is like that new romance lurking in the corners of your life that you haven't acted upon yet.  It's exciting, scary, dangerous, a little voodoo-y, delicious, weird, wonderful.  All the things I like.  Here's a pic of our first meal in town.  Mudbugs and Beer is how someone described it, but truly, you can't know how delicious that crawfish (and the shrimp) was until you go there and eat some for yourself.  I was lucky I had a few natives around to show me the best way to eat this stuff.  Did I mention the fresh and broiled oysters? O.M.G.  More to come on Crescent City for sure!

1 comment:

  1. Troy had shrimp and grits on the boardwalk on day for Virginia Beach last week
